When this came out, I gave it a BIG OLE PASS because I thought it was another TOURISTAS or SAW. I don't need to see another one of those ever again. But, thanks to NETFLIX, I gave this film another look when after I saw the trailer. And well...it's a messed up little flick! I liked it a lot.
A “let's go explore” film, true – this is a classic film where the people should NOT be going where they are going. When they get there, it's WAY too late.
What is it? It's FRIGGIN NASTY is what it is!!!
The story was well done, the acting is great and there are scenes that had me kicking my feet and cringing. It's not an Academy Award winner, sure, but it has enough bite to really put a damper on eating dinner during it, that's for sure. The effects are slipped in perfectly - a delightfully gruesome mixture of practical and computer generated nuggets that work with the story, not in place of it.
Make sure you check out the alternate ending on the DVD and let us know what you prefer - what was in the original cut or the alternate end. We'd love to hear!
I dare you to watch it. Go on. Do it.
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