Once in a long while, a movie slithers up into view from nowhere and waits patiently for me to find it. Someone will see it – a friend or coworker – and will mention that it's worth a viewing. Like a lightning bolt, the film strikes and knocks you to your butt.
TRIANGLE did that for me. It took me down a path, shook me a bit and then knocked me down. It showed a minute of mercy, picked me up and brushed me off. Then it knocked me down again.

This is about all I can say about the film without giving key points away. If you're planning to watch this film, I suggest watching without seeing the trailer or doing any sort of info search on it beforehand. Keep it blank and let it wash over you. :)
This film is well written and very well acted. I found myself groaning out loud as the events unfolded. At one point I literally said, “What the hell?! Is there MORE?!” and laughed out loud like a child in a toy store! I loved the twisted ride this movie took me on.
If you love a good story, TRIANGLE is the movie for you.