Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Walking Dead Motion Comic

Motion Comic
If you have not already read THE WALKING DEAD, don't feel bad for grabbing the set now. There's no shame in jumping in now. It's a fantastic read and will have you willingly dropping the needed coinage to get the set.
Here's the motion comic they did with the series was set to come out.
(( The comics don't actually move on their own. You need to read. :) ))
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
The Horror

Be afraid! Be very afraid. Old Time Radio is filled with ghost stories, monsters, creatures who walk the earth, and other tales of the unexplained. Join me as we explore these stories born from the depths of hell itself. But leave those lights on!
THE HORROR: Old Time Radio Horror
For fans of old radio shows, this is for you! A podcast that broadcasts old, spooky radio shows. CBS RADIO MYSTERY THEATER, ESCAPE! and more are rebroadcast in all their glory. I used to listen to old radio shows while falling asleep as a teen and loved the "theater of the mind" aspects. Some fantastic stories, too.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The long and the short - A man's sister slips into madness and is placed in an insane asylum. The man - the somewhat wooden Jesse Metcalfe - doesn't think she should be there and gets himself placed so he can bust her out.
A sound plan. :::sigh:::
Annnnnd...comedy ensues.
Madness abounds. Male and female crazies cavort. People do crazy things. You know the drill. But then things get to be a little fun. It seems the main doctor - the awesome Peter Stormare - seems to be up to some dirty deeds with the patients and those dirty deeds are creating some interesting results.
I'm not sure this is a full "zombie" movie, but it does have zombie-like tendencies a la 28 Days Later. People are doing a little nibbling and a lot of killing.
Olivia "Va Va Voom" Munn turns in the best performance of the whole film. She's really very good and I'd like to see her acting in other movies, not just dressing in skimpy clothing. She has a great sense of humor and, yes, she looks good in a bikini, but she's also able to hold her own on the acting front. I was taken aback.
So...if you're a Munn fan, a non-zombie zombie movie fan or a fan of asylum movies, give this one a shot. It's a fun little bloody romp through madness and goofy fun.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Come On My Selector
Come to Daddy
A truly horrific video! APHEX TWIN and it's twisted visuals and grinding tunes really hits a nerve from time to time. The video was made by Chris Cunningham who also Directed the Aphex Twin video for WINDOWLICKER and the Squarepusher classic COME ON MY SELECTOR.
"Come to Daddy came about while I was just hanging around my house, getting pissed and doing this crappy death metal jingle. Then it got marketed and a video was made, and this little idea that I had, which was a joke, turned into something huge. It wasn't right at all."
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Jessica Harrison dolls

Horribly disfigured porcelain dolls. What a novel and grotesque idea!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Undead Nightmare

Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare Video Review
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
We're Alive

We're Alive!
Are you a fan of old radio drama? The kind of thing where a story is told through characterization and acting with some sound effects tossed in for good measure? Well you'll love WE'RE ALIVE - a fun zombie story podcast.
The production is rather good. There's been time and effort put into the sound quality and acting and the story is pretty good so far, though I must admit I'm still rolling through the first chapters.
Don't let the somewhat "wonky" state of the website fool you, the podcast itself is well worth a listen if you're a zombie fan with a penchant for podcasts and stories.
Available through iTunes
A small riot in LA has spread past its containment. Three reserve soldiers are called to their deserted duty station. Believed to be the last remaining armed servicemen in the area, Michael, Angel, and Saul witness the true cause of the riot; people are starting to change and attack each other.
Armed with only what they can carry, they set out to secure an apartment building and rescue survivors scattered amongst the shattered remains of civilization.
In a world turned upside down, every day is a struggle, as those who have taken refuge in “the tower” find out that their safe haven is under constant threat. In this place, however, the strengths of those who stand together, might just be enough to live long enough to see things start to change.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Bright Falls

Bright Falls - The Series
"Hello. I'm Malcolm Johnson and I purchased a Wii." :::crowd groans:::: "Hi, Malcolm."
Yes, we got a Wii so we could play Zelda, bowl, ski, work out....and grow tired of it and stop playing. I had renewed interest when I purchased DEAD RISING and my wife got me MADWORLD, but that grew old as well, sadly. Lately, I've been longing for games of old like MYST where I had a mystery to solve and places to explore.
It looks like the XBOX360 is going to deliver that for me with ALAN WAKE. I can't wait!
AND...there's a groovy, TWIN PEAKS style creepfest live action nugget to wet my whistle. The most awesome and fun BRIGHT FALLS mini-webisodes. Take a look!
"A prequel to the highly anticipated Xbox 360 game Alan Wake, Bright Falls is an online series of live action shorts set in the fictitious Pacific Northwest town of Bright Falls, WA that provide an eerie prelude to the events that transpire before Alan Wake's arrival. The series, which is six episodes in length, introduces us to Jake Fischer, a newspaper reporter who, while visiting the town on business, encounters a series of mysterious and haunting experiences."
Episode 1 - 'Oh Deer'
Episode 2 - 'Time Flies'
Episode 3 - 'Lights Out'
Episode 4 - 'Local Flavor'
Episode 5 - 'Off the Record'
Episode 6 - 'Clearcut'
Paper Moon

“Yes, it's only a canvas sky
Hanging over a muslin tree
But it wouldn't be make-believe
If you believed in me
Without your love
It's a honky-tonk parade
Without your love
It's a melody played in a penny arcade”
It's Only A Paper Moon
Rain beats against the window as music starts to fade away in the hallway. The last of the dancers make their way down the hall – eager to change and leave for the night even if it means a walk in the rain. Their muffled voices drift away on the other side of the door. The tiny room is dingy and smells of mold and something else. Something sour. The club singer paces in her dressing gown. She's done for the night. So done. Tears stream down her cheeks as her breasts dance under the willowy silk. Her raven hair and dark eyes catch the light from the small lamp from time to time and seem to sparkle and glisten.
“Are you serious this time or it this another ploy? I mean, I'm not going to stay if you're just putting me on again. I can't take it no more.”
A man stands in the corner of the room and stares out of the shadows. He looks over to the weeping woman and wishes he could tell her what she wants to hear. He wished he could tell her anything. He wished. His suit is filthy and wet with the night's rain. He stares out from the shadows and longs for her. So close. So far away.

One of my favorite fake trailers in the GRINDHOUSE film had to be the trailer for DON'T - a fake trailer for the classic haunted house films of the 70s. The trailer's execution was perfect. It did what most trailers from the 70s did - showed every death and gave away most of the films shocks and scares. :)
I saw this and instantly thought about the trailer for another fave of mine THE LEGEND OF HELL HOUSE. HELL HOUSE is a slow paced haunted house film that is beautifully shot. It's fun movie to watch on a rainy Sunday afternoon, but slightly hard to keep your eyes open for if you're like me and like your scares under cover of darkness.
Watching the trailers back to back is a fun way to see just how true to form this director was when making it. And, I can not tell you how happy I was to see that the makers of this trailer were none other than the amazing Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg of SPACED and SHAUN OF THE DEAD fame! WHOOT!
And, the film that inspired it.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Seasons Greetings

The animated short by director Michael Dougherty that inspired his movie "Trick-r-Treat". If you have not seen it yet, you're in for a ...treat. :)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Not idea for a sleepy, Sunday morning, but they work really well while pushing through deadlines at work.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Mmmmm...I'll believe it when it's in my greedy, little paw!
Disc 1 - Theatrical Exhibition:
- Grindhouse Feature (Planet Terror)
- Intermission Cards
- Don’t Trailer
- Werewolf Women of the S.S Trailer
- Thanksgiving Trailer
- Grindhouse Feature (Death Proof)
Disc 2
Planet Terror
- Robert Rodriguez’s 10-Minute Film School
- The Badass Babes of Planet Terror
- The Guys of Planet Terror
- Casting Rebel
- Sickos, Bullets, And Explosions: The Stunts of Planet Terror
- The Friend, The Doctor, and the Real Estate Agent
- Planet Terror Poster Gallery
Death Proof
- Stunts On Wheels: The Legendary Drivers of Death Proof
- Quentin’s Greatest Collaborator: Editor Sally Menke
- The Guys of Death Proof
- Kurt Russell as Stuntman Mike
- Finding Quentin’s Gals
- The Uncut Version of “Baby, It’s You” performed by Mary Elizabeth Winstead
- Introducing Zoe Bell
- Double Dare Trailer
- Death Proof Extended Music
- Death Proof Poster Gallery
Blu-Ray exclusive bonus features:
- Robert Rodriguez’s 10-Minute Cooking School
- The Makeup Effects of Planet Terror
- The Hot Rods of Death Proof
- From Texas to Tennessee: The Production Design of Death Proof
- Trailers
- Extended Werewolf Women of The SS Trailer
- View Extended Cut Of Werewolf Women of the SS Trailer with Commentary by Director Rob Zombie
- The Making Of Werewolf Women of the SS Trailer
- Extended Don’t Trailer
- View Extended Cut Of Don’t Trailer with Commentary by Director Edgar Wright
- The Making of Don’t Trailer
- Don’t Storyboard/Trailer Comparison
- View Don’t Storyboard/Trailer Comparison with Commentary by Director Edgar Wright
- Don’t Storyboards Still Gallery
- Don’t Poster
- The Making of Thanksgiving Trailer
- New York Times Talk with Quention Tarantino and Lynn Hirschberg at Comic Con 2006 Featuring the Directors and Cast of Grindhouse
- Grindhouse Trailer Contest Winner Hobo With A Shotgun
The Creepshow

While THE CREEPSHOW isn't the most awesome band I've heard, they have a style that works well and a sound that is melodic and hip. The goes a long way. Something about the classic "Hot Female Lead Singer" both attracts and repels me and I'm not sure why. I think it's because I feel that she's trying to distract me from hearing that her voice isn't bad, but isn't all that great either. But, that's the way of the music world. You need a hook. And, her voice is WAY better than mine, so who am I to point fingers? :) Ok...she's pretty and can sing.
In THE GARDEN (below) we see some of the coolness. The hip hair, slick stylings and tattoos that go along with a lot of the music of this genre. And...it works here for sure. The song has a great hook with some hints of classic rockabilly and pop that make it fun to listen to an bounce along with. Most of their music is the same. Not brilliant, but super fun to listen to. And...isn't that what's important?
Give 'em a listen.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010

SHIVER (Eskalofrio) has fallen off the radar for a lot of folks since it's 2008 release and I'm not sure why. Due to the fact that it's a foreign film, most likely. Spain has a way with horror. It's somewhat raw and really rather fierce. I love it. (See: [rec] )
I found it to be a fun little "bump in the night" thrill that had a good set of actors and a fun story that showed a little thought. Try to roll into it with a clear mind, avoiding the trailer I've posted below unless you are one of those people that needs to see SOMETHING about the film before taking the plunge. :)
The film functions on many levels and had me hook, line and sinker after the first 20 minutes. It's thick with atmosphere and left me smiling and nodding my head at the end due to my full respect for the script.
Give this a go one dark night...lights out....
Unfortunately, this trailer really does not do the movie any justice.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Nightmare Superstitions

Nightmare Superstitions Haunted House
NYC residents need to check this out! It looks like it's going to be....a scream. :)
It's Halloween and Timothy Haskell Likes to Scare People
Monday, October 11, 2010
There's No Such Thing...
I dare you to watch it before going...to sleep...
Love it. :::shiver:::
DaywaltFearFactory | February 13, 2010
There's No Such Thing...
Five Minutes Earlier
Directed by Drew Daywalt (Hero!)
DAYWALT HORROR: Five Minutes Earlier
New Jersey Zombie Walk

The New Jersey Zombie Walk needs your help!
If you are in the New Jersey area, be a part of Guinness World Record History on 10•30•2010!
"We’re hard at work putting together an entire weekend of events for what we hope will be the largest gathering of zombies in history! That’s right, the Guinness Book of World Records has given us permission to make an attempt at breaking the current record set in Seattle, WA. That means we need every last corpse in the Tri-State area to JOIN US! The number to beat is 4,200 so we need your help spreading the infection to your family, friends, school, etc. Bring everyone you know with you to the walk and help us get into the record books!"
I can't wait to see how this turns out!
More information located here:
Friday, October 8, 2010

I finally took the plunge and purchased an iPhone upgrade from my old first gen iPhone. Of course, in the search for apps for it, I searched for ZOMBIES. There are lots of zombie games out there, but ZOMBIE INFECTION caught my eye and I'm very glad it did.

It's slightly limited by the screen size, but the game play is actually a lot of fun once you get the controls down. Classic "run and kill" action as you collect weapons and ammo and try to make it through the game screens.
A must have for zombie lovers with the new iPhone!

FREE Try Out Version
Full Game
Monday, October 4, 2010
M. Knight
I can actually picture poor M. Knight going through this. And...who would blame him if he did? Looking back on his career, it's a downward spiral of "used to be" starting with the wondrous SIXTH SENSE and crashing into the pits of THE HAPPENING and THE LAST AIR BENDER. I saw five minutes of THE HAPPENING and I wanted to commit horrid acts of violence on myself. Anything to be able to stop watching.
I finally settled on turning off the TV. I thought it was a good call.
No One Likes M. Night Shyamalan
Friday, October 1, 2010
Creature Features!
Bay Area residents who grew up loving horror in the 70s no doubt remember Bob Wilkins and CREATURE FEATURES. The show played some amazing films and had some even more amazing guests and helped fuel the horror movie love in many people.
BOB's Last Show can be found here
In 1979, John Stanley took over as host and continued to champion horror for the people who loved the genre.
John Stanley Creature Features Opening (with the classic "There's only one 2" bumper!)
I'd love to bring this kind of thing back. Who's with me?! :)
I Miss Halloween

I wish I could recapture the spirit I had for Halloween when I was a kid, you know? The buzz and crackle in the air. The excitement when I saw adverts for costumes on TV. Just the act of going to the store and browsing the aisles in the Halloween section was exciting.
"Which plastic masked hero will I be this year? Or, should I just dress as a hobo with a big, plastic cigar?"
Being in school helped fuel the mania, of course. Halloween pictures being drawn at our desks and Halloween stories being read as Halloween posters adorned the walls.
And the candy. Lord, the candy. The idea of a night where you simply walked to a house, knocked, and candy was showered down on you like manna from heaven. It boggled the mind.
Later, as fear crept into our society more and more, the holiday tarted to loose it's magic. Candy had to be checked for needle marks or razors. Home baked goods were tossed directly into the trash. Parents watched as their children knocked at doors - at the ready in case a "molester" tried anything sinister.
When I had my own children, I found myself getting excited about the holiday again. I was able to loose my adult inhibitions about dressing up and pretending. I could roam the night with the kids and participate in the mania of free candy and pretend scares. But, kids grow up. Dress up focus changes to party focus. Parties adults are not invited to.
Adult Halloween gatherings and parties always seem to have a "nudist" taint to them. An excuse to wear as little as possible and act out of line. Little by little, my past love for the holiday has dwindled away to nothing save looking forward to watching a few horror movies - which I do anyway.
So, in an effort to rekindle the fire, THE HORROR SHOW will be presenting a few items that may bring back a little of the Halloween spark that seemed to thrill us every year.
Feedback, comments and memories welcome!
Camera Obscura
Camera Obscura trailer
Uploaded by Camera_Obscura. - Check out other Film & TV videos.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
In the Mouth of Madness (1995)

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this classic John Carpenter film and end up watching it about twice a year.
Sam Neill plays John Trent - a jaded insurance inspector type who doesn't trust people or their stories. He tracks insurance scams and pay outs and he's very good at his job. When horror writer Sutter Cane (played by the great Jürgen Prochnow from Das Boot) goes missing and the publisher is looking for money, Trent thinks something fishy is going on and starts searching for Cane.
That's when everything goes to hell. :)
This is a mystery wrapped in a horror movie and both of these aspects work really well. I'm really into the mystery side of things and, as things unfold and get more and more horrific, I'm giddy as a kid in a candy shop!
Neill is "Neill-riffic" as usual. He plays things up for giggles and noir goodness to a perfect pitch while Prochnow is creepy and intense as usual.
And the visuals. Yikes. I think about them late at night sometimes when I'm on the road or taking the trash out and...yikes.
Check it out for sure. It'll make your Halloween a little more special!
Session 9 (2001)

There was something about this sleeper that hit me when I was watching it. A sense of dread was present in the whole thing. The writing was grand and the actors turned in some good performances. The whole film-space seemed to grow heavier and heavier as it went along.
Brad Anderson turns in another grand directing effort here. I think this was one of his major debut efforts before he rolled into directing THE MACHINIST in 2004 with Christian Bale and the lesser known (but good) TRANSSIBERIAN in 2008 with Sir Ben Kingsley and Woody Harrelson. He knows how to get a vibe out of a movie and it's actors and actresses for sure.
If you like watching a group of characters in a really bad situation and love seeing them fall to shreds before your eyes, you'll love this gothic, ghostly, and ghastly little film.
Cemetery Man

A zombie lover MUST SEE!
CEMETERY MAN (Dellamorte Dellamore) from 1994 is a grand film. Based on the story concepts in DYLAN DOG , this trippy little nugget is a lot of fun to watch. It's almost like watching someone's dream...or nightmare...unfold on the screen. Another Halloween favorite, zombie lovers need to make sure they see this as well.
I'm not going to try to sum up the plot too much - it's too damn strange. Suffice it to say that Francesco Dellamorte (Rupert Everett) oversees the goings on at the cemetery an makes sure the dead stay dead. Along the way he falls in love with the beautiful Anna Falchi who plays several roles in the film, but it looks like he's doomed to spend his days dealing with the dead and his mute co-worker Gnaghi.
A wild ride for sure!
(Sorry - all I have is the Italian Trailer. The film is in English)
The Man Who Laughs

This is one of my favorites for sure.
THE MAN WHO LAUGHS is a fantastic silent film from 1928 filled with lovely visuals and touching story. Those "in the know" will be aware that the lead was the model for The Joker, but the film goes deeper than that.
I was lucky enough to see this film at the Castro Theater in San Francisco with live organ accompaniment and an even livelier audience. At the end, we were cheering - filled with a mutual love for this film and it's exciting set pieces.
It's available for viewing online - WELL worth checking out.
Galaxy of Terror

Halloween Fun: Galaxy of Terror
"ALIEN was the beginning ... Hell Has Just Been Relocated!"
What do you get when you put Erin Moran (Happy Days), Robert Englund (Nightmare on Elm Street), Sid Haig (Devils Rejects) and Ray Walston (My Favorite Martian) together in the same film. The Roger Corman classic GALAXY OF TERROR.
Riding the coat tails of ALIEN, the gem is well worth snagging. I have not seen it in ages, but I remember laughing and cringing all the way through it. If you're looking for a film to rent for Halloween that goes really well with pizza and beer, this is it!
Check it out!
Trailer does contain scenes of a graphic nature.
Friday, September 24, 2010
High School of the Dead

Some very smart zombie fiction here with some top notch zombie action. Go figure. It's some of the best zombie action I've seen, really. Mix in the anime fantasy elements and it works really well. The pantie action is just silly, but it doesn't distract from the horror...too much.
Well worth checking it. It's a fun blend of horror, action and...panty flashing goofiness.
Check it! Episodes are available via the internet...for FREE. You're welcome. :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Zombie Playground
San Francisco artist, too!
Artist's site: http://www.jasonchanart.com/
Friday, September 17, 2010
THE THING theme music

Not sure why this came to me the this morning. I was walking into work. There was no one around. I used my badge to get into the building and this music popped into my head and played as I walked through the dim hall to the stairwell.
Needless to say, I was a little creeped out by it. :)
A fantastic score to be sure.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
DAYWALT: Haunted Queen Mary
So full of atmosphere. So creepy. So good. :)
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Oh No…Zombies! Board Game

I'll have to add this to the game collection! :)
Oh No... Zombies! Board Game
It's come to this. You're trapped in the middle of nowhere inside a rundown shack surrounded by zombies. Your cell phone doesn't get reception and the land lines just emit a constant busy signal. Your only hope for survival is to get to one of the abandoned stores so you can get a battery for the CB radio in the shack and a shotgun to help you survive the trip back. Good luck with that. Includes spooky gameboard, fourteen 2" tall, plastic game pieces, thirty-four cards and three dice.
You can buy it here ($18.99):
Last Exorcism Viral
The article calls out that the Chatroulette folks are trying to clean things up to get more funding. From what I've seen, they have a LONG way to go.
That aside, it was a cleaver use of the platform. Recording the reactions - fantastic.
While the film seems like more of the same - cinéma vérité, jump scare, demon girl stuff yet again - it might be a good movie to get a group together to see. A good no brainer horror flick. This kind of forward thinking for the ads did actually get me excited about the movie a bit more than I was.
I love when people take existing tech and use it in a new and exciting way. The BLAIR WITCH team managed to use the internet to propel the mythos of the witch and push the faux facts helping to convince people that it was real. Now, poor suckers looking for nudity get a demonic visual instead.
Always funny.
More, please.
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hmph...I got ORPHAN through Netflix and expected little from it. I dropped it in last night while working on a project for work at home thinking that I'd eventually forget that it was on. I found myself stopping from time to time to actually watch. It had some fun moments and an interesting story, even though I knew a little too much about it since it had been so long since it came out.
Above average "scary child" movie. Well worth a Netflix rental. Check it!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Fiction: The Crate

The truck’s lights cast strange shadows on the man’s face as he spoke. His eyes twinkled in the orange glow of the Mac truck's running lights.
The moon hung high in the night sky and the stars shone brightly. Fog settled off the coast, but didn’t seem to be moving in like it had the few nights before. It was cold and clear and bright, but something seemed very stuffy about the air. Some sort of pressure front was playing with the atmosphere.
The thing man before Tom Archer nodded, half listening. “Yes, yes.”
“Is this the only container we’re moving?” Patrick ran his hand over the stubble on his chin and stared blankly at the large container on the dolly. His broad shoulders rolled and he knelt down. “We can strap this in and down behind the other boxes in the 150, Tom. No need for the Mac.”
“There are issues that I’ve spoken to Mr….um…Tom…about. We want it secured and within a containment area. Not in the back of a pickup truck, Patrick.” The thin man pressed his glasses higher on his beak-like nose and addressed Tom again. “Are all the arrangements agreed on, Tom? Are we ready to move it?” His words were nervous and tight. He smelled of liquor and, though he was clean cut and well dressed, he seemed somewhat disheveled and out of sorts. His thinning hair blew around on his head and he slid a hand over it to push it back into place. Patrick thought his skin looked gray.
“Sure thing. And the money is fine as well.” Tom watched as lights crested on the hill, then turned off on the main road. The warehouse they were parked in front of was completely dark – the high barbed fence that surrounded it whistled as the wind came up.
“Yes, yes – fine.” The thin man moved to his car and glanced around uncomfortably before opening it and pulling out the envelope within. A soft ding emanated from the vehicle and repeated over and over until the door was shut again.
Brave enough to read on?
The Meanwhile...Story Blog
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Let Me In Trailer
The brilliant and smart LET THE RIGHT ONE IN (Låt den rätte komma in) is being remade.
Why? So it can be in ENGLISH, of course! GEEZZ!
I have to say that, after seeing this trailer for the remake...I want to go watch the original again and forget that this remake exists. :) The way it looks to me, they went with the overall shell of the original and "Americanized" it with a little more sex and violence. (And English dialogue, of course.) THE RING remake was almost shot for shot to the original, but I didn't like the original as much as I like LET THE RIGHT ONE IN, so I was ok with a remake.
There was a greatness to LET THE RIGHT ONE IN. The stark, gray of Sweden was perfect and the direction and acting was superb. I don't think I'll bother with watching this, though remakes can be interesting at times. I loved the original so much that this is bound to pale in comparison for me.
Rent the original. If you happen to see the remake and think it's worth while, drop me a line!
LET ME IN (Let the Right One In remake)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Another Hole 2010
The Horror Show will be there - will you?
Buy your tickets! They tend to go fast!
Click the image for larger view

Paranormal Activity 2

So - winner or looser?
I was one of the "I LOVE THIS MOVIE" crowd for the first movie, but I had friends who were underwhelmed by the whole thing. I loved the fact that the audience was seriously affected by the movie as a whole. People were in line chattering nervously before the film and lingered long after the film was over, talking in small groups and debriefing instead of leaving. It was almost like no one wanted to go back to their homes afterward.
Films that have this kind of power make me smile. I felt the same way about BLAIR WITCH when it came out. Say what you want about these films, but you can not fight the fact that they made an impact.
Now we have PA2 and I have to say that I get it, but wish it wasn't happening. Will I see it? Most likely. I'm a ghost nut and need to support films like this. However, I would have liked for the efforts to have been directed towards new ground rather than more of the same. We'll see how it does in the box office.